EWAK, C.S.A – Programme for 2009-2010
>> Dr. Vinod Verma’s << Programme for 2009-2010 :
> Ayurveda Health Organisation (A charitable trust) <
Ayurveda Health Organisation is a charitable trust for spreading Ayurvedic wisdom for the benefit of humanity. We are looking for financial aid to do developmental work in this direction, which can benefit people in the rural areas of India for prevention and healing. We also want to generate more employment.
3-8 October: Göttingen: Lecture, workshops and Private Consultations. Contact: Tel/fax 05508-92135, mroeslen@t-online.de or ImPuls, Akazienweg 56 A, D- 37083 Göttingen, Tel. 0551-59603
2 Oct. Lecture on Mahatma Gandhi’s values in modern world
3 Oct. Workshop on Practice of Ayurveda on Everday Life
4 Oct. Workshop on Shiva’s Yoga Nritya: A Dance for Your Health
10-11th October in Baden-Baden:
>> EWAC – European World Ayurveda Congress 2009 <<. Lecture on Companionship and Sexuality in Ayurveda and the Indian Tradition.
14-16 Oct. in Frankfurt: Private Sessions and the Book Fair, Telephone: 0177.3167492
17-18 October Vaihingen (near Stuttgart),: Friday Lecture, weekend Seminar and private sessions. Seminar on Ayurvedic massage: A way to strengthen and beautifying the body. Contact Susanne Schwarz-Zeeb at 07042 14369 or familie.schwarz-zeeb@onlinehome.de
24th October: One-day seminar in Dresden on Preparation for a Graceful Exit from this world: Death from Ayurvedic perspective. Organised by Sächsische Landesapothekerkammer, Dresden. Contact Frau Brigitte Keil, Tele. 0351 467 5120 or Liebig-Apotheke@gmx.de
26-30 October: Five days Seminar for doctors and paramedical staff in Dresden Area, Organized by Sabine Lorenz. Please wait for more information.
1-5 November: A five day seminar on Programming Your Life with Ayurveda near Brussels (Belgium). Please wait for more details.
15th December to 14th January 2010: CSA Part I and Part II through Internet (Distant Learning Programme). Write to drvinodverma@dataone.in or ayurvedavv@yahoo.com for more information on Distant Learning.
1-21 March, 2010: Three week Ayurvedic practice and Panchakarma in our Himalayan Centre along with Senior Ayurveda Assistant course. Contact Dr. Verma at ayurvedavv@yahoo.com
Private Sessions are offered at every place. Please contact seminar organizers or Dr. Verma by email ayurvedavv@yahoo.com for appointments.
Website: www.ayurvedavv.com
Email: ayurvedavv@yahoo.com or drvinodverma@dataone.in
Telephone 0091 –120 2527820, -9873704205 -941 2224820
Dr. Vinod Verma’s programme for 2009-2010 (Holistic Health, Ayurveda, Yoga)
Contacts in Europe: C/O Biermann, Altestr. 66, D-79249 Merzhausen, Freiburg. Telephone 0761-474447, Fax: -383486, & C/O Michael Röslen Wilhelm-Bendickstr. 35, D-37130 Gleichen OT Grosse Lengden, Telephone: Contact preferably by e-mail: ayurvedavv@yahoo.com or drvinodverma@dataone.in, German mobile (only while in Germany): 0177.3167492
Jan-Feb. CSA Part I and Part III through Internet (Distant Learning Programme). Write to drvinodverma@dataone.in or ayurvedavv@yahoo.com for more information on Distant Learning Programme.
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