Swamy Sharma


> Metalle im traditionellen Ayurveda <

 > Edelsteinheilkunde Hildegard von Bingen <

I am a Physicist, a Metallurgist, a Quality Management and General Management expert, a Holistic Healer with interests in Homeopathy, Tissue Remedies, Bach Flower Remedies, Reiki etc., an avid book reader, Reviewer, Author and Editor. Please visit  http://svswamy.blogspot.com/  & Swamy´s World to see my detailed profile.

 >> Swamy’s Book Reviews << 

This blog will hold all the book reviews, including those which were earlier posted at www.blether.com That site has been closed and so I am keeping all those reviews here so that a prospective author/publisher and a publicist can decide whether I am a suitable reviewer for the book they are trying to promote. My latest reviews are also being uploaded here.